I started writing this article on terrorism when a terrorist attack occurred at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, but failed to complete the article. More recently, a new attack was perpetrated in Paris. This attack was perpetrated by a recognized Islamic extremist. As past attacks, this one too spurred calls for strict border control. But such border control would have been ineffective. This article explains why.« Continue »
Middle East Turmoil: Radical Islam or Reaction to Imperialism?
This article is a very rough draft on a discussion on modern radical Islam as a response to US led imperialist actions in the Greater Middle East. To see the impact, imagine if you were somehow to find yourself in Afghanistan in the early 60s. You would probably be quite puzzled by the look. Back then, Afghanistan looked far more like any developed nation. Below is a photo of Afghanistan in 1967 and another in 2007. You can find more at Business Insider.« Continue »
How Sony Could Use the Recent Cyber Terrorism Attack to Promote The Interview
It is still uncertain who launched the attack against Sony, but there is a good chance that it was North Korea retaliating against “The Interview.”« Continue »
The Bergdahl Trade: Incompetence or Careful Planning?
The Obama administration has been given a great deal of flack for the Bergdahl trade, and rightfully so. It was both dangerous and illegal to trade him.« Continue »
Capitalism needs war, or does it?
Capitalism needs war, does it not? This is the rhetoric thrown around by many anti-capitalists. The following is a conjecture formulated based on knowledge of human history and the evolutionary past of humanity. It still requires further testing, but as it stands, it is quite reasonable to assume that it is indeed a valid view point, at least as valid as those view points of the “great economics” who had very little real world knowledge to go by when producing their economic theories.« Continue »