Facebook has a large user base, other than that, it’s been time to say goodbye for quite some time. Here are a few lesser known alternatives to Facebook.
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Social Networking Alternatives

An organization dedicated to infusing logical reasoning and science into political discussions
Facebook has a large user base, other than that, it’s been time to say goodbye for quite some time. Here are a few lesser known alternatives to Facebook.
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Net neutrality laws and SOPA style legislation seem to be in opposition to one other. Why then do so many of the authoritarian politicians, both Democrat and Republican, support both?« Continue »
It seems that every week something new comes out regarding the NSA’s attempts to intentionally weaken security protocols in order to create back-doors. Beyond simply being a violation of government authority and an infringement on our rights, this is one of the greatest threats to cyber security imaginable. Because of that, even those who have fallen into the belief that they have “nothing to hide” should be concerned.« Continue »