While the constitution does prevent states from banning same sex marriage, the reasoning used by the SCOTUS is fundamentally flawed. Here is why.
ContinueSCOTUS Ruling: Same Sex Marriage

An organization dedicated to infusing logical reasoning and science into political discussions
While the constitution does prevent states from banning same sex marriage, the reasoning used by the SCOTUS is fundamentally flawed. Here is why.
ContinueWith the amount of time I have been spending arguing for Kim Davis‘ release and return to office, one might think that I agree with her position on same sex marriage. I absolutely do not. I consider there to be nothing immoral about two people of the same sex entering into a marriage contract.
ContinueRelating to same sex marriage cases, people are confusing the right to marry with the right to have that marriage recognized by others. This is not limited to the layperson but is even perpetrated by judges. The distinction is necessary in order to determine the proper way of handling marriage licenses after the Supreme Court […]
ContinueCrowd funding is a wonderful free market capitalist solution for projects looking to get startup capital. Except it’s not. It isn’t even a market solution.
ContinueThere are many well known and lesser known logical fallacies. I propose a fallacy called the assumptive contradiction.