It’s difficult to say how the Somalia as a libertarian paradise meme started, but suffice to say, it’s been spread around quite a bit. However, Somalia has a long history of being controlled by imperialist and tyrannical interests. Even still, when Somalia did finally end up in a state of anarchy in 1991, there were marked improvements in key social and economic indicators.
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To make things clear, I support neither Romney nor Obama. They are both bad for this country; I support candidates that want to protect our freedoms and rid us of government oppression. That being said, since I’ve made a fair number of attacks against Obama so far, I think it’s fair that I bring to light some more of the reasons why I won’t vote for Romney either.
Climate Change, Green Energy, and Carbon Tax
Now, first I would like to point out that I am all in favor of protecting the environment and making sure that the planet stays healthy; I’m just completely opposed to the government thinking that it has a clue as to how to best protect this planet. That said, let’s see what Romney’s opinion on the topic happens to be.
Romney used money collected from utility customers to provide loans and grants to alternative energy companies.
Source: here
Gov. Mitt Romney yesterday said he plans to use a portion of the money collected from electricity customers to develop renewable energy technologies and expand new energy technology companies.
The governor said the effort will mark a shift in the use of some of the $150 million Massachusetts Renewable Energy Trust Fund to more closely tie grants to economic development and alternative energy plant expansion projects.
What’s amazing is that one of the companies Romney backed–Konarka Technologies Inc.–went out of business shortly after Romney criticized Obama for his backing of failed green energy projects.
Yes; you heard him right. He supports cap and trade on a global basis so not only does he support a policy that could cripple economies and cause starvation in third world nations, he also supports hyper-federalist practices. And people thought that Obama was the only one who wanted to give up our sovereignty to international bodies?
Even until a few days ago Romney argued that the PPACA mandate was not a tax; after all arguing that it is a tax only hurts his own position even further. Finally even Romney conceded and had to admit that the mandate was a tax.
It’s also interesting to note that Senator Kennedy is Romney’s “collaborator” and friend as well as a parent of the health care bill that Romney signed–the same bill that became the foundation for PPACA. Note that Ted Kennedy’s name was also evoked during the PPACA debate.
It gets even worse when you combine Mitt’s policies with Paul Ryan’s policies. What you end up is a team that supports:
1. Supported TARP and begged for it to be passed
2. Voted yes for the first stimulus as well as the auto bailouts
3. Voted yes on NDAA and making the Patriot Act permanent.
4. Created a program that formed the foundation of PPACA with the help of the progressive Ted Kennedy
5. Raised taxes and thereby breaking a major campaign promise.
6. Lied about raising taxes to try to make it look like he kept his promise.
7. Used taxpayer money to fund green energy programs–at least one of which failed.
8. Stated when caught off guard that he would support cap and trade on the global level.
Ask yourself if you can support that kind of team.
Safe Nuclear
Thorium based nuclear reactors offer a clean and safe alternative energy source while protecting against proliferation of nuclear weapons.
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Populist Uprisings: Do They Work?
Populist uprisings and revolutions in general are often romanticized, but there is nothing romantic about them. They are generally violent and ineffective.« Continue »
Guilds (Introduction)
![Fairy Tail Guild](
Guilds have in the past been very important parts of the small business model. It may be that the current economy is in a state where guilds can once again be beneficial, and possibly can be even more beneficial than they were in the past. This combined with bartering could greatly improve the condition of America.« Continue »