I recently came across a study which tried to place blame for a 2012 Pertussis outbreak on an unvaccinated population. While it is possible that this population was the source of the infection, the study methodology, as is often the case with vaccine studies, was flawed and so the study constitutes little more than fuel for a witch hunt. Normally I just comment on these studies, and provide my analysis for my readers. However, because this study was conducted by members of a government agency, I decided I might as well respond in a more direct fashion by sending the agency an email.« Continue »
Bad Science in Vaccine Studies: Protection Against Infection vs Protection Against Clinical Symptoms

Many vaccines are said to be highly effective, but what does that mean? When vaccine efficiency and effectiveness are discussed, they refer to the ability for a vaccine to prevent infection.« Continue »
Potential Vaccine Studies

Based on my previous discussion on vaccines and their potential risks vs benefits, two studies are suggested to provide better insight into vaccine impact.« Continue »