The current Jackpot is $1.3 billion. It may even go higher before the Wednesday drawing. I can’t say that gambling is a good way to “invest” and I think of it more as a form of entertainment, but still, if I did happen to win, I wouldn’t just spend it all. It amazes me how many people win hundreds of millions of dollars and then end up bankrupt in a few years. I don’t think people realize just how much it costs to **maintain** all the stuff they buy, so they spend a lot of their money, and then spend the rest trying to maintain the things they’ve purchased.
So how would I use the jackpot? Well, let’s assume that the after tax lump sum amount is $450M. I would take $50M off the top, and use that for living expenses, spending money, etc. Why so little? It’s because the rest would go into businesses. Then I can help ensure that I’ll **always** have a lot of money to do with as I please. It would also result in a lot of jobs produced.
Here are the companies that I would create, and why.« Continue »