One of the arguments that Richard Dawkins uses against the existence of god is the claim that it is improbable that an intelligent being could come into existence, without evolution. But is that true?« Continue »
Economy and Government: an Evolutionary Perspective
Here is a rough draft detailed outline for Economy and Government: an Evolutionary Perspective. Included are theories on evolutionary psychology and dynamics of evolution, the creation of an analogy between market systems and biological systems, concepts regarding complex dynamic systems, and a discussion of optimization problems. Heavy reading, but worth it if you’re interested in finding out just why natural market economics is indeed a reasonable solution.« Continue »
Capitalism needs war, or does it?
Capitalism needs war, does it not? This is the rhetoric thrown around by many anti-capitalists. The following is a conjecture formulated based on knowledge of human history and the evolutionary past of humanity. It still requires further testing, but as it stands, it is quite reasonable to assume that it is indeed a valid view point, at least as valid as those view points of the “great economics” who had very little real world knowledge to go by when producing their economic theories.« Continue »
[Rebuttal] Death from a Distance and the Birth of a Humane Universe
In Death from a Distance and the Birth of a Humane Universe: Human Evolution, Behavior, History, and Your Future, Paul M. Bingham and Joanne Souza discuss how the ability to kill individuals of the same species from a distance is the reason why humans act in a relatively peaceful fashion. However there are alternative explanations to this relative peace. Specifically, our ability to communicate in a complex fashion could be the explanation.« Continue »