Due to the nature of rights, ownership of private property is a myth. Only guardianship of personal property, maintained through compacts, exists.« Continue »
The Power of “Social Capitalism”
Politics and economics are far more complicated than most people want to admit. People see the world in black and white. Either you’re a capitalist or you’re a socialist. Socialism and capitalism are seen as mutually exclusive systems of resource management. If you are a socialist then you oppose capitalism. If you are a capitalist then you oppose socialism. However, the two are not mutually exclusive and can interact in such a way that the result is greater than the sum of its components.« Continue »
Greece’s Real Financials
While Greece certainly did spend its way into chaos, the current view of the Greek economy is incredibly misplaced. Greece has the potential for growth.« Continue »
The Issue with Predicating Anarchy on the Concept of Rights
Many anarchists predicate their notion of anarchy on the concept of rights. However, “right” is a poorly defined term. Is it reasonable to rely on rights?« Continue »
Rural Infrastructure: How Government May Have Helped Destroy the Environment
The government has certainly had a hand in pushing for electricity, roads, and other forms of public infrastructure in rural areas, but is this for the best?« Continue »