Normally I would post a review of a Doctor Who episode on Geekers Keep. However, given how political the episode was, I decided it would be a better choice to respond through Politicoid.« Continue »
Capitalism without Private Property
Capitalism is often defined as an economic system characterized by private ownership for the purpose of profit. But private property is a myth. Yet we still have capitalism, or at least we seem to have it. So what is capitalism really, and how can it function without private property?« Continue »
The Power of “Social Capitalism”
Politics and economics are far more complicated than most people want to admit. People see the world in black and white. Either you’re a capitalist or you’re a socialist. Socialism and capitalism are seen as mutually exclusive systems of resource management. If you are a socialist then you oppose capitalism. If you are a capitalist then you oppose socialism. However, the two are not mutually exclusive and can interact in such a way that the result is greater than the sum of its components.« Continue »
Crowd Funding Isn’t Capitalism
Crowd funding is a wonderful free market capitalist solution for projects looking to get startup capital. Except it’s not. It isn’t even a market solution.
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Economy and Government: an Evolutionary Perspective
Here is a rough draft detailed outline for Economy and Government: an Evolutionary Perspective. Included are theories on evolutionary psychology and dynamics of evolution, the creation of an analogy between market systems and biological systems, concepts regarding complex dynamic systems, and a discussion of optimization problems. Heavy reading, but worth it if you’re interested in finding out just why natural market economics is indeed a reasonable solution.« Continue »