I recently came across a study which tried to place blame for a 2012 Pertussis outbreak on an unvaccinated population. While it is possible that this population was the source of the infection, the study methodology, as is often the case with vaccine studies, was flawed and so the study constitutes little more than fuel […]
ContinueMiddle East Turmoil: Radical Islam or Reaction to Imperialism?

This article is a very rough draft on a discussion on modern radical Islam as a response to US led imperialist actions in the Greater Middle East. To see the impact, imagine if you were somehow to find yourself in Afghanistan in the early 60s. You would probably be quite puzzled by the look. Back […]
ContinueFractional Reserve Banking Part II

There was still a lot of confusion regarding my previous article on fractional reserve banking. Nothing has changed with the argument, but I do want to expand on it a bit. I think part of the confusion comes down to a closely related topic. While fractional reserve banking does not create money, the creation and […]
ContinueFractional Reserve Banking: The Myth of Creation of Money

There is a long perpetuated myth that fractional reserve banking creates money. This is false. FRB increases the velocity of money. Before getting into the specifics of why fractional reserve banking does not create money, and how it works to increase the velocity of money, it might be reasonable to discuss what fractional reserve banking […]
ContinueMarijuana: The Push for Legalization

As I mentioned in “A Silver Lining In The Fight Over Cannabis“, the attack on legal marijuana, by President Trump, may have a silver lining. It is just a matter of whether congress has enough supporters to drive threw legislation, which would eliminate the federal restriction against pot. Over the last few years, there has […]