There is a lot of misinformation regarding the taxation of religious organizations. I assume most of it is unintentional and simply due to ignorance, but it must be addressed.
ContinueUnderstanding Taxation of Religious Organizations

An organization dedicated to infusing logical reasoning and science into political discussions
There is a lot of misinformation regarding the taxation of religious organizations. I assume most of it is unintentional and simply due to ignorance, but it must be addressed.
ContinueThe Johnson Amendment is seen as a legal tool for limiting religion. But it is actually not specific to religious institutions at all. Yet it is often applied disproportionately, especially when it comes to cases with ambiguity such as NPR’s indirect politicking.
ContinueKickstarter recently started a campaign to defend net neutrality. Maybe they do not understand what net neutrality is or they simply do not care.
ContinueI started writing this article on terrorism when a terrorist attack occurred at the Houses of Parliament in Westminster, but failed to complete the article. More recently, a new attack was perpetrated in Paris. This attack was perpetrated by a recognized Islamic extremist. As past attacks, this one too spurred calls for strict border control. […]
ContinueNormally I would post a review of a Doctor Who episode on Geekers Keep. However, given how political the episode was, I decided it would be a better choice to respond through Politicoid.