A novel definition of religion, utilizing Hitchen’s Razor, which allows us to study various religions and groups of religions in a more analytic fashion.
ContinueClassification and Analysis of Religion

An organization dedicated to infusing logical reasoning and science into political discussions
A novel definition of religion, utilizing Hitchen’s Razor, which allows us to study various religions and groups of religions in a more analytic fashion.
ContinueThe Obama administration has been given a great deal of flack for the Bergdahl trade, and rightfully so. It was both dangerous and illegal to trade him.
ContinueNatural market dynamics have are effective at managing resources in society. Yet, even supports of free markets reverse that position in regard to immigration.
ContinueHere is a rough draft detailed outline for Economy and Government: an Evolutionary Perspective. Included are theories on evolutionary psychology and dynamics of evolution, the creation of an analogy between market systems and biological systems, concepts regarding complex dynamic systems, and a discussion of optimization problems. Heavy reading, but worth it if you’re interested in finding […]
ContinueNet neutrality laws and SOPA style legislation seem to be in opposition to one other. Why then do so many of the authoritarian politicians, both Democrat and Republican, support both?