A very rough draft (essentially scrap) of a discussion on evolution and its direction.
ContinueOn the Goals and Directions of Evolution

An organization dedicated to infusing logical reasoning and science into political discussions
A very rough draft (essentially scrap) of a discussion on evolution and its direction.
ContinueTrump sold himself well. Over 60 million bought in. But there is going to be a lot of buyers remorse once Trump starts to implement his policies.
ContinueElection 2016 must have been painful for all of you millennials and other disenfranchised individuals. We third party and independent voters understand you very well, and we would welcome you with open arms.
ContinueAmerica just enthusiastically elected one of two candidates that they could not stand, because they didn’t want to see the person they could not stand even more win.
ContinueOne of the arguments that Richard Dawkins uses against the existence of god is the claim that it is improbable that an intelligent being could come into existence, without evolution. But is that true?