Bigotry is never acceptable. But one form of bigotry, religiophobia, seems to be increasingly common, even as other forms are becoming heavily criticized.« Continue »
Unanchored Backward Chaining
A discussion of unanchored backward chaining. Originally posted on Quora, but I have since been banned. « Continue »
A Unified Psychological and Anthropological Model of Religion
This is a work in progress attempt to unify psychological and anthropological theory of religion.It is a different approach than the one taken in Religious or Secular, however, it is my hope that over time I can join these two approaches into a more robust model of religion. I am leaving the draft available to the public for feedback. If any piece of this draft is used in other work, please cite it appropriately, and be aware that the draft is likely to change considerably as time goes on.« Continue »
Burden of Proof: “Negative Claims”
There is a logical fallacy that only positive (claims of existence) require burden of proof. But that cannot be further from the truth.« Continue »
Countown to Election 2020
A lot of people have said that they are tired of hearing about the elections, but when all is said and done, very little time is spent worrying about them.« Continue »