Many have claimed that Donald Trump must place all of his assets in a blind trust, or else he would be violating the Emoluments Clause of the constitution. This is only half true. And it is on Congress to make a decision in the matter. What is interesting is that some have actually suggested impeachment for Trump, if he does not fully divest his assets, before taking office. But is that really necessary? It might be, if Congress does not make a decision to the contrary. « Continue »
True Globalism
I am a globalist. Now, that may sound like a bad thing to some, but globalism, real globalism, is beneficial to everyone. What is dangerous to us is a world government. A government, able to exert force over the entire world, is to people, what mega farms are like to the biosphere.« Continue »
Censorship vs Editorial Authority
Some people seem to have a very absurd notion of what counts as censorship. The first amendment protects the right to the free exchange of information. It does not guarantee you a venue. Private entities get to choose whether or not to facilitate your exchange of ideas or not.« Continue »
The Fifth Amendment
The fourteenth amendment, at first glance, is an important extension to the fifth amendment. But it’s really more or less redundant. The fifth amendment does not just apply to the federal government, but to the state governments and to the people as well.« Continue »
The Profile of the American Religious Rejectionist
My profile of the American Religious Rejectionist, which I am deciding to post in order to cite it in discussion. It is subject to change, just as my model of religion is.« Continue »