Who really has the power to determine constitutionality? It is not the Supreme Court, but rather the states and the people. Marbury v. Madison may have been the most influential court decision in the history of the United States. It may have also been the first nail in the coffin of the United States thanks to a misunderstanding of what the ruling meant.« Continue »
Is the America Two Party System a Cult?
After a discussion on the topic of cults, I started wondering, how closely is the two party system in America related to cult behavior? It turns out that almost every attribute of a cult can be found within the two party system. A lot of this can be attributed to the nature of the American education system. Now, it’s true that not every member displays all the characteristics, but a large number display most of them.« Continue »
Is government a disease?
From the earliest civilizations, we more or less have had government. So of course it’s a reasonable assumption to make that government is somehow necessary to human survival and therefore should be sustained. However are we jumping to conclusions? In any society, there are people to whom others will defer. In small societies these are usually the village elders and the deference is simply do to the experience gained from a long life. Over time, if enough people begin deferring to a small group of people, a full scale government will form. This does not mean that the government necessarily is beneficial.« Continue »
Minimum Wage and Corporate Welfare
All the time people are demanding minimum wage increases. However the idea of a minimum wage being a positive factor in economic growth or social grown is an idealistic one. It is also a barrier to innovation and economic growth. There are so many invalid arguments made in support of minimum wage, and many of them are rather laughable once you start to sit down and think about them logically and most of it has to do with an incorrect notion of the capitalist system based on the situation during the industrial revolution.« Continue »
Second Amendment: History and Purpose
The second amendment has been a hot topic lately, especially with the talk of new gun control. Perhaps one of the main reasons why it is being so hotly debated is because people have long forgotten the purpose of the amendment and because of that, its ability to protect the nation has been greatly reduced. There is a lot of confusion regarding the second amendment. Questions about who gets to bear arms, and why, do not have clear answers without an understanding of the core purpose of the second amendment.« Continue »